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How To Make Golf Cart Batteries Last Longer

The contemporary cost of residing disaster shouldn't mean we cannot experience our interests to the fullest. While golfing can be a notoriously highly-priced recreation, there are many ways we will spend money on cheaper gear and cope with the gear we already have to give it a longer lifespan. The first-rate electric golfing carts can be one of the single maximum luxurious investments golfers make in a product. In fact, an awful lot of this investment is because of the increased use of lithium batteries. However, electric golfing carts have a primary benefit over even the fine push carts, as they're less complicated to navigate across the golfing route and feature extra features like built-in GPS navigation. If you already have an electric powered golfing cart—or plan to spend money on one soon—retaining battery life is a surefire way to make sure you are getting the most bang for your buck over a cart's five or maybe 10-yr lifespan. We're going to take a look at the ex...

5 Best Ways To Make Your Android Tablet Better

Android tablets come at all shapes, sizes, and prices. Everybody seems to be manufacturing their own blend of Android tablets. Different colors and different features, each one aimed at a slightly different market and each one hoping to hit a home run in the sales arena.

The Android tablet is fast becoming the dominant force in the lucrative mobile computing market but nobody can ward off the human nature of trying to get one better than your fellow man. So what are people doing to make their Android tablets better?

1. Protect it from scratches and scrapes. There is nothing worse than a scratch on your touch screen or a big gash out of the sleek plastic sides. Just like the tablets themselves, cases come in a massive range. Some toughened cases are more expensive than some tablets. It's time to face facts, at some point you are going to drop your tablet or drop something on it or knock it off the kitchen table or spill some beer on it. You should get your hands on a decent case. Our advice is to buy the best that you can afford; you get what you pay for to a certain extent, expect to pay over $40 for a good case that will protect your tablet in most occasions.

2. Fill your home screen with some apps. One thing that strikes most people is that there is an application for everything! You could literally dream something up, something that you want to do with your Android device and you can probably find an app to do it. The Google play store is the place to go when you want an app. The search results are pretty accurate so you can just type in what you want and up it pops. The great thing about apps is that they are cheap. Don't make the mistake of sticking to the free options as the paid apps are often much better and feature-rich. Don't be a Scrooge!

3. Update that little robot. Tablets rarely come with the latest version of Android, it will probably be named after a food. The current version is Jelly bean as I type this but updates come out all the time and will probably be something different by the time you read this article. The latest versions of Android are sometimes not available for every tablet as a standard upgrade but with a little fudging and hacking you can usually install whatever you want on there. Search the internet for tutorials, it is far beyond the scope of this article.

4. Lock your tablet down. When you think about what you use your tablet for it probably hides all sorts of details about you that would be a gold mine for a thief. Pay-pal and Google accounts are often linked to your tablet, not to mention online banking, addresses and countless other personal details. Its ridiculous how much personal data your tablet will store almost without you knowing. Secure it! The latest versions of Android have face recognition built-in but to be honest, it really isn't worth the effort to set up, it doesn't work very well and someone that looks vaguely similar to you could unlock it. Go for a pattern lock instead, choose something reasonably complex, but don't forget it!

5. Add a cool wallpaper. Finally you need to pimp the appearance once you have swiped yourself into the home page. A great wallpaper can cheer you up as soon as you open your device. It sets the scene and makes your tablet stand out from the crowd. Personalise it to your hobbies and interests. You can use pictures you have snapped yourself or download one from the massive array of tablet wallpaper site.

So there we have it, five great ways to make your tablet better. You can't really go wrong with an Android tablet but why not try to pimp it up a little.


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